Wednesday 3 August 2011

Theme 2 - Natural Beauty - Equipment List

Camera used is my Cannon EOS 500D which allows me to adjust the settings manually.  I was able to choose the areas that I wanted focus on and then manually adjust the depth of field to define the image and make the focal point more prominent.
Lens is a
I took advantage of the natural lighting and no flash or lighting equipment was used.  However the ISO did require adjustment as it was an overcast day.  There was no rain forecast for that day so did not need any protective waterproof equipment.
Tripod was used to keep the images sharpe with  no camera blurr.
I would have liked to have used a light reflector in some of the images to make the colours more vibrant.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I hope you are okay and are getting a relaxing holiday break.
    Also wanted to make sure that you are okay with everything and no problems, you can contact me if you have any problems.
    Keep up your research please with around 6 images from each photographer, analyze the images using the critical descriptive vocabulary as explained on the tutor site to help you identify what aspect of their work you could add to your own.
    Keep taking time to keep both themes afloat and keep an eye on your labels at all times and add them to your blogs as you go along, this way you always know you are writing to meet the criteria of the course.
    Enjoy yourself and take lots of summer pics, and some on holiday if you can to make the most of this great weather!

